Episode #36: Weight

In this episode we discuss the ever present subject in this world of body weight. Body weight is often the matrix with which a person's health and well being is measured as well as how people are judged. Body weight often does not tell the story most believe it does nor does it have much to do with a healthy and soulful relationship to food and health.


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This Podcast and all related content published or distributed by or on behalf of ReWild ReNew, Amie Jones, and Eileen Crispell is for informational purposes only and may include information that is general in nature and that is not specific to you. Any information or opinions provided by guest experts or hosts featured within the website or on ReWild ReNewā€™s Podcast are their own; not those of Amie Jones or Eileen Crispell or ReWild ReNew. Accordingly, Amie Jones, Eileen Crispell and ReWild ReNew cannot be responsible for any results or consequences or actions you may take based on such information or opinions. This podcast is presented for exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for preventing, diagnosing, or treating a specific illness or conditions. If you have, or suspect you may have, a health-care, emotional, or spiritual emergency, please contact a qualified professional for support and treatment.


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